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Wellington College – Alumni Race Report – 2016

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

December 2016 saw either the birth or the resurrection (has there ever been one?) of the OW Cross Country Running Club. The Thames Hare & Hounds have for 55 years been hosting an Public Schools Alumni pre-Christmas 8k run on Wimbledon Common, which the OWs have never previously entered. Thanks to the initiative of Ben Williams (who ran on his own as an independent entry in 2015) and with much appreciated help from Chris Potter, we managed to raise a 9 runner team for the 2016 event, with Natalie Blagg our only lady member.

The younger, fitter and – let’s face it – better members of the OW team (particularly Max Willcocks, James Justins and Tom Wills) managed to help us to 16th out of the 33 schools taking part, with Winchester winning the overall event by a decent margin. However, after this introduction, there is no reason why we shouldn’t challenge strongly for a much higher position in the 2017 run on Saturday 16th December. All last year’s squad are keen to run again and several new stars have already been signed up. There is no limit to the team sizes so, with running (and the phenomenon that is parkrun) now so popular, we welcome as many OWs as possible of all ages to join us – ladies too, of course.

Would anyone interested please contact Gary Lloyd (



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