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OWXC TH&H Alumni Race Report 2017

Updated: Sep 29, 2022

Following the initial success of the re-constituted OWXC at the 2016 Public Schools Alumni Race, the club managed to increase the number of OW runners from 9 to 13 for the 2017 race. It was good to see a number of new faces, particularly the ladies, as there are team trophies to be won for ladies and for men at various age groups.

In the team competition overall, we came 18th out of the 34 schools competing which was a slight slip down from last year’s 16th. The highest four finishers from each team score towards the overall trophy and, out of 271 finishers altogether, our top four were Peter Davy (31st), Rupert Froud (112th), Adam Badrawy (113th) and Ross Maclagan (135th). Our first lady home was Seelin Ho, who came 248th.

The annual event is organised by the Thames Hare & Hounds Club and takes place on their home patch on Wimbledon Common. It’s an undulating 8k course, which can be quite tough when it’s wet and muddy, as it usually is in mid-December. The expected date for this year’s race is Saturday 15th December, in the afternoon, so would all likely runners please put this in your diary now. We would love to welcome new members to the team as there is no limit to team sizes. There are so many people of all ages who are running nowadays, either in parkrun or longer distances, and with clubs; there must be many OWs amongst them.

Would anyone interested please contact Gary Lloyd ( Finally, a farewell to the great Bruce Tulloh, who died earlier this year. There will be tributes elsewhere in this book but he made a big impact on the Alumni Race, in which he was the individual winner in both 1962 (jointly with fellow OW Christopher Llewellyn-Smith) and 1963, thus helping the OW team to win the overall competition in both years. When asked if he would run for us last year, aged 81, he said he would have done but for the chemotherapy he was undergoing. What a trooper!

GAL Team photo Back row: (L to R) Rupert Froud, Clare Buchanan, Simon Currey, Georgina Singer, Gary Lloyd, Adam Badrawy, Peter Davy Front row: (L to R) Seelin Ho, Sally Dempster, George Hutchinson, Ross Maclagan, Ben Cope, Ben Williams Photographer: Jasper Lloyd

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